Lesson: 2 - Typing & Selection

Purpose: Students learn how to create a Document.

No. of. Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Desktop computer or Laptop & Open office.

Prior knowledge

Students should know basics of computers, file, folders and what is a document.
Basic English familiarity and sentence structure (capitalization and punctuation) would help.



1. Explain about typing text like a word, sentence and paragraph and navigation and usage of back space, enter, sapce bar, capslock and shift keys in text documents.


2. Explain about selection methods such as Double click, Triple click, Ctrl + A, Shift + Arrow keys, and Mouse left click + dragging in text documents.


  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-1 (Solution).
  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-2 (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Explain the solution in detail to the Students.
    2. Use the specified words like word, sentence and paragraph, navigation, usage of back space, enter, space bar, caps lock and shift keys in the class.
    3. Students need to become familiar with those words.
    4. Students need not be made to memorize all the different selection methods etc. Just become familiar with them.
    5. When we use single click, double click and triple click, show how the actions are different. Discuss with your children.